Saturday 23 May 2015


I have next week off! So much time to do all kinds of things ~ A JSK tutorial for one thing. And I want to read! I've bought so many books but haven't really had time to read all of them (maybe an hour a day, I prefer to read for hours so I get really immersed to the story) so I have catching up to do. I bought the Mazerunner box because I've read the 13th Reality from Dasher as well, and they were awesome. I hope these are too. Maybe I'll take photos and list everything I've got lately but for now I'm too tired ^^'

And lastly, our tickets to Animecon have arrived! ^^ My cosplay (or character inspired outfit, I'm not even trying 100% accuracy) is going along nicely, I ordered the shoes I'll need so they'll be here on time :D I still have to plan my lolita coord, or maybe wear kodona? Luckily there's still time!

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